Another innovative way to use GardenSoxx® would be in a permaculture garden, where a variety of plants are combined in order to create a thriving and self-sustaining natural ecosystem. The GardenSoxx® provide plant root systems with a concentration of proper nutrition around the base of the plant, while the roots of the plants eventually grow through the bottom of the GardenSoxx®.
This allows plant roots to grow deep into the ground and uptake hydration as needed from groundwater reserves. This is important in a permaculture garden, as there is no added irrigation and the plants rely only on rain and groundwater for their water needs.
While this is not the typical way that most would use GardenSoxx®, experiments like this were done to test the versatility of the product and its use for a wide range of different applications. Permaculture gardens can be beneficial additions to urban and suburban communities to help attract pollinators and keep the local ecosystem balanced.