Swiss Chard

A green that goes by many names, Swiss Chard is also commonly known as Roman Kale, Spinach Beet, Mangold and even a few more. This leafy green from the Amaranthaceae Plant Family stands out from the rest with its bright white, yellow and red stems. 

It is considered a superfood because of its high vitamin content, its ability to regulate blood sugar, detox the body and boost the immune system. In fact, just one cup of Swiss Chard will provide you with over 300% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K! It can be consumed raw, chopped into salad, but is also excellent in soups or sauteed into stirfry.

how to grow swiss chard

Growing swiss chard in GardenSoxx® | Plant Family: Amaranthaceae


Nutritional Information For Swiss Chard

Nutritional Facts - per 100/g

Nutrient Amount % Daily Value
Calories 20 -
Total Fat 0.1 g -
Sodium 179 mg -
Potassium 549 mg -
Dietary Fiber 2.1 g -
Sugar 1.1 g -
Protein 1.9 g -
Vitamin C - 30%
Iron - 13%
Vitamin B6 - 5%
Magnesium - 30%
Calcium - 4%


How to Grow Swiss Chard in Your GardenSoxx®

If planting from seed, soak seeds for 24 hours before planting and get them into the soil about 2 to 3 weeks before the last spring frost. You can also plant a late crop of Swiss Chard for a fall harvest about 40 days before the first fall frost date. Seeds should be sown about an inch deep, 5 inches apart. Plant in a location that gets full sun, in well-draining soil.

Swiss Chard Seed to Harvest Time:  Approximately 50 days

swiss chard planting guide

How to Harvest Swiss Chard

Once the plants have reached about 8 inches tall, cut off the outer leaves leaving about 1.5 inches above the ground and being careful not the damage the core of the plant. If you cut the outer leaves regularly, leaving the inner leaves to keep growing, you can get enjoy a continuous harvest throughout the season.


Publié dans: Vegetables

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